Monday 8 March 2010

Happy Commonwealth Day

Commonwealth Day message from HM Queen Elizabeth II: Commonwealth Day 2010

Commonwealth Day: 54 Nations, 2 billion people, 1 day

Monday 1 March 2010

What are you going to do on Commonweath Day?

Commonwealth Day is on Monday 8 March and the Commonwealth Secretariat would like to know what you're planning. Will you be phoning a few friends in New Zeland, planning holiday in South Africa, drinking a cup of Kenyan Tea with a slice of Jamaican Ginger Cake, maybe you'll toast the Queen with Scotch Whisky, drink a warm English Bitter or sit down to an Indian Curry, an Aussie BBQ or a dessert with Canadian Maple Syrup. Tell the Commonwealth Secretariat and they may feature it in the Commonwealth News:

Monday 1 February 2010

Commonwealth Day 2010

Commonwealth Day is on Monday 8 March 2010 and this year's theme is Science, Technology and Society. To download the Commonwealth Day 2010 poster go to:

Commonwealth Day 2010

Tuesday 5 January 2010

HM Queen praises work of the Commonwealth

HM Queen Elizabeth II has praised the work of the Commonwealth in her annual Christmas Speech including the 13,000 soldiers from accross the Commonwealth - the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Singapore who are serving in Afghanistan.

"It is 60 years since the Commonwealth was created and today, with more than a billion of its members under the age of 25, the organisation remains a strong and practical force for good"

To watch the full Queen's Christmas Speech: